Off Street Parking - NOW LIVE
How it works
As a subscriber, you can use your CellOPark post-paid account to pay for parking in affiliated off-street (boom-gated) car parks. To do so, you need to be using the app, make sure that the service is enabled (which you can do via the app settings or by contacting our support), that your account is active with a valid payment method and that you enabled the CellOPark app to send you Push notifications.
Step 1
When arriving at an affiliated car park, an entry ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) system will read your vehicle registration and will check against our database to see if you have the off-street service enabled. If you have the service enabled, you will be sent a notification asking if you wish to use your CellOPark account to pay for your current visit. In some car parks you will still need to take a ticket on entry just in case the ANPR system fails to read you vehicle registration correctly.
Step 2
If you confirm, the system will then advise the result of your request and if successful – you will be notified that your current session will be paid by your CellOPark account and you do not need to go to the pay machine.
Leaving the carpark
When you leave the car park, the exit ANPR system will read your vehicle registration and will notify CellOPark that you have now left the car park and that your session has ended, the boom-gate will then open.
CellOPark will then charge your nominated card for the calculated parking fees based on the tariff applicable to your stay and will notify you of the outcome of that process, including the cost of your stay. An invoice will be automatically emailed to your nominated email.
CellOPark will then charge your nominated card for the calculated parking fees based on the tariff applicable to your stay and will notify you of the outcome of that process, including the cost of your stay. An invoice will be automatically emailed to your nominated email.
When parking in a gated car park, in addition to CellOParks’ T&C - you must comply with all the car park operator Terms and conditions displayed in and/or around the car park. Tariffs, rules and limitations are set by the car park operator and CellOPark does not have any control over them.
In most gated car parks, and unless stated otherwise - charges for your parking session will be deducted from your registered credit card immediately upon leaving the car park and CellOPark identifying that your session has now ended.
In case we are not able to charge the relevant amount for you parking session to your registered card – your account will be automatically suspended. In order to re-activate your account, you must pay any outstanding amount, either by updating your payment details to a valid card or by making sure that sufficient funds are available and then updating your card or contacting us to manually process your payment.
Prepaid accounts are NOT able to use CellOPark to pay for off-street car parks.
In most gated car parks, and unless stated otherwise - charges for your parking session will be deducted from your registered credit card immediately upon leaving the car park and CellOPark identifying that your session has now ended.
In case we are not able to charge the relevant amount for you parking session to your registered card – your account will be automatically suspended. In order to re-activate your account, you must pay any outstanding amount, either by updating your payment details to a valid card or by making sure that sufficient funds are available and then updating your card or contacting us to manually process your payment.
Prepaid accounts are NOT able to use CellOPark to pay for off-street car parks.